Policies and Procedures

Take Home Folders Discipline Calendars Book Orders
Classroom Newsletters Classroom Visits Conferences
Volunteers Homework Going on Leave

Take home folders: Each student will be given a class folder. The right side is for all papers that need to be returned to school, and the left side is for all papers/items that should be left at home. Please be sure to go through your child's folder and help him/her remember it daily.
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Discipline Calendar: Inside your child's folder you will find a calendar. If your child has a good day at school, there will be a stamp on that day. Otherwise, I will have indicated the rule(s) that your child had difficulty following. Please be sure to initial each evening so that I know you have seen the calendar that day. This will insure daily communication between home and school.
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Book Orders: During the school year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms. Purchases are not required. If you are interested in ordering anything, please send a check or money order payable to Scholastic. It is a DoDDS regulation that teachers should not handle money from students.
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Classroom Newsletters: You will receive a monthly newsletter informing you of skills being taught and classsroom information. It will also contain your child's spelling list for the month.
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Classroom Visits: Our door is always open. You are welcome at any time of day, for as long as you wish to stay. School policy does require you to sign in at the office, before coming to classrooms or the lunchroom.
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Conferences: You may call me to set up a meeting time, if you would like to discuss your child's progress or have any concerns. We do have scheduled parent-teacher conferences. This year they are set for November 8-9, 2001, and February 8, 2002.
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Volunteers: A volunteer form will be sent home listing activities you may wish to help with. I know that many parents enjoy coming in and helping out, but I also understand how busy life becomes with a family. Please do not feel obligated in any way to sign up.
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Homework: Each evening your child should spend a minimum of 15-20 minutes reading (silently or out loud), and some time going over the weekly spelling words (as tests are given on Fridays, or the last day of the week). Along with this, an assignment or activity will be given for homework. This will consist of skills that your child already has been taught. Homework is meant to foster the resonsibilities of your child's learning, and provide for independent practice of materials presented in class. I do not give homework over weekends or vacations.
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Going on Leave: Many of you will go on leave during the school year with your child. I do not send missed work with you. If you inform me at least a week prior to your leave, I will provide your child with a list of activities you can do with him/her to encourage continued learning.
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Mrs. DuBose
School link

J. DuBose--June 2001